General Submission Guideline

  • ICIE 2024 will be a hybrid conference; poster and workshop presenters must attend and present at the conference in-person; whilst oral presenters can choose to present in-person or online. This has to be indicated during abstract submission
  • Abstract should be original and has not been presented and published in any other contexts
  • Papers may have multiple authors; at least one author must register as presenter, other authors can register as participants and attend the conference
  • The submitting author should input all author details and upload their abstract based on the abstract and presenter biography templates.
  • Authors should indicate the type of submission (oral, poster, workshop) on the form and whether they are willing to accept an alternate format
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English
  • All abstracts will be blind reviewed for the quality of their theoretical/empirical research-based/educational content, their adherence to submission guidelines, and their link to the conference theme
  • Submissions should use Times New Roman, 11 pt font, and follow APA 7th Edition style guide